Latest issues 

Vol. 14, núm. 20 (2021)

January – June 2021
Date published: June 30, 2021

Vol. 13, núm. 19 (2020)

July – December 2020
Date published: December 2, 2020

Vol. 13, núm. 18 (2020)

January – June 2020
Date published: June 20, 2020



Misión Jurídica accepts original articles of the following types, in accordance with the requirements of the Publindex of Consciences program.


Mision Juridica is a bianual scientific journal primarily aimed at the international academic community specialized in Law and Social Science. Our journal publishes scientific original articles in Spanish, Portuguese, English and Italian. Our goal is to make public the results of research in law and socio-legal studies carried out by national and international researches according to publishing standards that contribute and have an impact in the global debate on these topics. The articles are subjected to anonymous evaluation by specialized academic peer reviewers, taking into account the requirements of the indexing schemes of scientific journals.

By submitting your research to our journal, the authors agree and authorize the editing, publishing, reproducing, distributing and public communication of his/her article physically as well as digitally, with scientific purposes of non-profit dissemination. Also, authors keep their copyright. They have to authorize the copying of their articles in other printed publications and/or digital media, with express recognition to the author’s work in Mision Juridica journal.

This is an indexed journal with ISSN  1794-600X that complies with Publindex scheme (category C) and also Latindex, Dialnet, Miar and OAJI. To guarantee open access this journal has Open Journal System and it can be consulted at . Mision Juridica is financed with the public resources of Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca independent university, an independent legal entity, with special regime, academic, administrative and financial autonomy, independent assets which is connected with the Ministry of National Education.


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