Autores: Ana Milena Diaz Ducuara, Jenny Ortiz Quevedo DOI: ABSTRACT RESUMEN RESUMO In today’s society, the various roles played by women and their impact on their communities has grown in importance. Thus, we need to realize...
Autor: Luz Carlina Gracia Hincapié DOI: ABSTRACT RESUMEN RESUMO The peace agreement in Colombia set women’s equitable political participation in its second provision. To do this, it defined central themes for addressing a...
Autor: Luis Alejandro León Franco DOI: 10.25058/1794600X.2468 ABSTRACT RESUMEN RESUMO This article assesses and compares the level of implementation of the IOSCO principle concerning trading transparency in the regulatory framework of the European...
Autor: Álvaro Augusto Sanabria-Rangel DOI: 10.25058/1794600X.2467 ABSTRACT RESUMEN RESUMO The In Dubio Pro Natura has evolved as a separate principle from the precaution principle under environmental law. This article aims to analyse both the In Dubio...
Autor: William Jiménez Gil DOI: ABSTRACT RESUMEN RESUMO This article analyzes registered property as enshrined in Colombian Civil Code and its complementary regulations, in the face of a new kind of ownership jurisprudentially...
Autora: Yun Li DOI: ABSTRACT RESUMEN RESUMO “Globalization,” “globality,” “harmonization,” and “integration” are concepts characteristic of the early 20th century that, in the...